University of Pannonia
Faculty of Information Technology

Why the Faculty of Information Technology?
The Faculty of Information Technology was founded on the 1st of January 2003 as the successor to the independent Institute of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, founded in 2001 to teach, carry out research and develop IT and related modern technologies. The evolution of the Faculty has been dynamic, and its activities have been recognised at national and international levels.
Regarding the work of the Faculty, emphasis is put on both terms: informatics and technology. Its activities are connected to fast-improving and leading technologies which ensure the creation of products with high added value that can be realised in the globalised world.
The Faculty nurses numerous international co-operations with the leading institutions of the European Union, the United States, Japan, India, Australia and the Republic of South Africa, primarily for research and professional work. Our tutors and researchers are leading officials of several international organisations and members of the organising committees of international conferences.
The Faculty of Information Technology is available for international students at two training levels. On the one hand, we offer you a computer science engineering master's program, and on the other hand, our PhD program related to our research topics.
It is a unique opportunity for you can take part in personalised training at certain stages of the master's program so that your studies lay the best possible foundation for your professional career.
In our master's programme, we train IT engineers who are highly qualified in natural sciences and engineering, and they are able to design IT systems and devices, develop and integrate IT systems, perform and coordinate research and development activities. They are also provided with appropriate basic theoretical knowledge to continue their studies at PhD level.
The students also become experienced in project- and teamwork working with numerous R&D activities of the Faculty with top international companies, and may be involved in research activities. The R&D areas of the Faculty include several aspects of IT security, medical informatics, systems engineering, lighting technologies, image processing, info-communication technologies, sensor networks, controlling and optimising systems.
If you want to join us as a PhD student, you can collaborate with our colleagues and other PhD students under the supervision of our professors in one of our research groups with international connections. Our research covers many areas, from bioelectrical brain imaging to operations research and from machine vision to big data and artificial intelligence.
When you're not busy with your studies, you can swim, sail or ice-skate in the nearby Lake Balaton. Within a 200-mile radius of Veszprém, you will find six European capitals, seacoasts and numerous recreational and cultural opportunities.